Modern handgun bullets.
1 - metal jacket 2 - lead 3 - hardened steel core |
FMJ - standart hardball bullet
| 1 - metal jacket 2 - lead core Main bullet type, and only one accepted for "official" warfare by international agreements |
| 1 - metal jacket 2 - lead core Semi-jacketed bullet with exposed lead at bullets' nose. Has bigger stopping power than FMJ |
| 1 - metal jacketd 2 - lead 3 - expansive hole Semi-jacketed expansive bullet. In some military handguns may cause jams. |
Hydrashock - commercial JHP bullet with central rod to achieve better expansion on impact
| 1 - metal jacket 2 - lead 3 - expansive hole 4 - steel core |
Lead WadCutter - Target bullet
Lead SemiWadCutter - Target bullet
| Same as WadCutter, but with sligthly improved ballistic. |
GLASER SAFETY SLUG - 1 - metal tip 2 - metal jacket 3 - shot load Typical .38sp Glaser is filled with ~30 pieces of #6 shot or ~200 pieces of #12 shot THV - "Tres Haute Vitesse" - "Very High Speed" (French) Light high-speed core-less bullet with high stopping power
SJ ESC - Semi-Jacketed Exposed Steel Core
| Light Armour-piercing bullet with hardened steel core. Bullet has alluminium jacket that covers all except the head of bullet. Designed in Russia for 9mm cartridges such as 9x18mm Makarov PBM and 9x21mm SP-10. This bullet, fired from Makarov, is capable to penetrate standart army issue armor vest at 30 meters. When loaded in more powerful 9x19 or 9x21 cartridges, this bullet shows even more potential |
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